Wednesday, January 1, 2020



Why have I not blogged?
Well, I've got a lot on my mind.
It seems to me Soldiers are very sensitive people. In that vein, I finished off the year with a lot of feelings.
Sometimes, feelings are like a veil. They're so strong they influence almost everything you look at. You start to see the world by what you feel.
Take from me in this new year: You are not your feelings. Your worldview doesn't have to be affected by sadness, anger, anxiety, or even pride. Look beyond those veils; question them.
See the world with good and bad, acknowledge both, and focus on the good. Pain doesn't leave by ignoring it; nor does your pain mean all good is now absent.
See the world as it really is. But don't dwell on the bad in what you see.
Or, if it seems impossible, try.
It'll get easier.

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